Tag Archives: devops

monitor your cloud services with @vmware #tanzu and @vmware #wavefront

monitor your cloud services and microservices with @vmware #tanzu and @vmware #wavefront

sample tanzu wavefront dashboards

orchestrating #containers at scale with @nomadproject (@trivago) and @rancher (@sling) #devops #sysadmin

orchestrating #containers at scale with @nomadproject (@trivago) and @rancher (@sling) #devops #sysadmin

nomadproject (as used by @trivago)

rancher (as used by @sling)


IDC says IBM Red Hat OpenShift 4.2 represents a breakthrough in the space of cloud-native development tools #cncf #devops

IDC says IBM Red Hat OpenShift 4.2 represents a breakthrough in the space of cloud-native development tools #devops

as predicted @IBM @IBMDeveloperUK @IBM_UK_news @RedHatUK are massively ramping up the #ibmred #opensource #openshift #hybrid #cloud #devops marketing #mktg #success

as predicted @IBM @IBMDeveloperUK @IBM_UK_news @RedHatUK are ramping up the #ibmred opensource cloud #devops marketing

kind – kubenetes in docker #cloud #cloudops #devops

kind – kubenetes in docker #cloud #cloudops #devops

install docker.io

# aptitude install docker.io
# snap install kubectl --classic



kind user commands

$ go get -u sigs.k8s.io/kind
$ export PATH=$PATH:$(go env GOPATH)/bin
$ kind create cluster
$ kind get clusters
$ export KUBECONFIG="$(kind get kubeconfig-path --name="kind")"
$ kubectl cluster-info

MicroK8S single node #kubenetes #webdev #sysadmin #devops

MicroK8S single node #kubenetes #webdev #sysadmin #devops

thanks to

skills matter @skillsmatter #cloud native conference 25 sep 19 , cloudnativejs.io & microservice acceptance test #cloud #devops #webdev #clouddev #cloudops #nodejs #java

skills matter @skillsmatter #cloud native conference 25 sep 19 , cloudnativejs.io & microservice acceptance test #cloud #devops #webdev #clouddev #cloudops

skills matter cloud native conference

cloudnativejs.io – why you should switch from #java to #nodejs in the #cloud – nodejs is 10x quicker at startup and uses 20x less memory

  • cloudnativejs.io



IBM Bluemix Cloud kubernetes devops tutorial

IBM Bluemix Cloud kubernetes devops tutorial

This tutorial walks you through the process setting up a continuous integration and delivery pipeline for containerized applications running on the IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service. You will learn how to set up source control, then build, test and deploy the code to different deployment stages. Next, you will add integrations to other services like security scanners, Slack notifications, and analytics.

ms azure severless devops docs

ms azure severless documentation

ms azure severless devops documentation

ms azure severless devops video