Tag Archives: openshift

ibmredhat 8 & @OpenShift #container management #devops

ibmredhat 8 & @OpenShift #container management #devops

ibmredhat have removed the Docker container engine, along with the docker command, from Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 entirely. For RHEL 8, Docker is not included and not supported by Red Hat (although it is still available from other sources)

  • Xhttps://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_enterprise_linux/8/pdf/building_running_and_managing_containers/Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux-8-Building_running_and_managing_containers-en-US.pdfX

with ibmredhat the focus is not on running individual containers from the command line. The primary venue for running containers is a Kubernetes-based platform, such as OpenShift.

By repositioning OpenShift as the project for running containers, container engines like Docker become just another component of OpenShift with no direct access by end users.

Because the container engine in OpenShift is not meant to be used directly, it can be
implemented with a limited feature set that focuses on doing everything that OpenShift needs, without having to implement lots of standalone features

Tools like podman, skopeo, and buildah were developed to take over those docker command features.

the newworld tools are

ibmredhat universal base image (UBI) containers

to build a container run buildah

$ buildah bud -t mycontainer

FROM registry.access.redhat.com/ubi8/ubi
ADD myecho /usr/local/bin
ENTRYPOINT "/usr/local/bin/myecho"
CMD "/usr/local/bin/myecho"

echo "This container works!"

to manage, run, stop, start a container use podman

$ podman run -i -t -p 8080:80 --name=pho photon /bin/bash
$ podman inspect --format='{{.Path}}' pho
$ podman logs pho
$ podman stop pho
$ podman start -i -a pho

to copy containers use skopeo

$ skopeo


IBM Red Hat KVM QEMU OpenShift CDK

IBM Red Hat KVM QEMU OpenShift CDK getting started guide

IBM Red Hat OpenShift is almost 8 years old

Just found my first blog post on OpenShift from 2012

See all my posts over the last 8 years

IDC says IBM Red Hat OpenShift 4.2 represents a breakthrough in the space of cloud-native development tools #cncf #devops

IDC says IBM Red Hat OpenShift 4.2 represents a breakthrough in the space of cloud-native development tools #devops

IBM Red Hat OpenShift 2020 roadmap

IBM Red Hat OpenShift 2020 roadmap

OpenShift Gatherings Videos

as predicted @IBM @IBMDeveloperUK @IBM_UK_news @RedHatUK are massively ramping up the #ibmred #opensource #openshift #hybrid #cloud #devops marketing #mktg #success

as predicted @IBM @IBMDeveloperUK @IBM_UK_news @RedHatUK are ramping up the #ibmred opensource cloud #devops marketing

the latest giant in the cloud space – IBM & RedHat are now one #cloud #openshift

the latest giant in the cloud space – IBM & RedHat are now one #cloud

IBM (NYSE:IBM) and Red Hat announced today that they have closed the transaction under which IBM acquired all of the issued and outstanding common shares of Red Hat for $190.00 per share in cash, representing a total equity value of approximately $34 billion.

The acquisition redefines the cloud market for business. Red Hat’s open hybrid cloud technologies are now paired with the unmatched scale and depth of IBM’s innovation and industry expertise, and sales leadership in more than 175 countries. Together, IBM and Red Hat will accelerate innovation by offering a next-generation hybrid multicloud platform.

Based on open source technologies, such as Linux and Kubernetes, the platform will allow businesses to securely deploy, run and manage data and applications on-premises and on private and multiple public clouds.

IBM’s cloud revenue has grown from 4 percent of total revenue in 2013 to 25 percent today.


how to deploy ibm red hat openshift origin on a local vm

how to deploy ibm red hat openshift origin on a local vm

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